Monday, January 30, 2012


Logan is a great sleeper, now if only we could work on him being a happy baby! Just some cute snaps below because I can't help boasting over how gorgeous my son is:

So long (at 2 months)
Our little Big Ears
The poop smile
Those legs are always going
And to prove that it isn't always sunshine and lollipops:

Life is a roller-coaster at the moment so I guess it's a good thing I'm of the opinion the scarier the better!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy Australia Day

If you live overseas then you probably haven't heard about this wonderful heatwave we are having. Over 40C or close to most days (104F), including today! There is even the possibility that our fireworks will be cancelled which, may not be a big thing to people who get fireworks all the time, but here in Perth Australia Day is THE day (we don't even get them on NYE). But whether or not they go off I'm inside with the aircon cranked to a respectable 24C (75F) to be kind to the environment and stay kind of cool.

I did want to go out and enjoy being around everyone and getting into the Aussie spirit but it's just too hot and with a two month old baby it's definitely out of the question. So instead, we're having one of my best friends over for dinner and then we'll watch the fireworks from our balcony (not the main ones but they do lots of separate fireworks depending on the council which is great). I don't even know if I'll have a drink, I really can't be bothered pumping and whilst I do have a little supply stored up (it used to be massive but the holidays drained that away) I want to save it for Saturday when I'm going out for lunch with my girlfriends and all our boys (sans Logan so I can get a little tipsy YAY!). It's funny how much changes once you've had a kid and how your boobs are definitely feeding machines and readily discussed ha-ha.

I did buy lamingtons in an effort to have some sort of Aussie'ness' about the place and Logan is wearing a Bonds outfit (even if it is made in China nowadays). Plus we have vegemite in the cupboard which is an automatic tick in the Oz box.

I hope everyone is keeping cool and if you're an Aussie or even an adopted Aussie have a fantastic Australia Day wherever you may be.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Month Two Letter (23.1.12)

Dear Logan,

Today you're two months old and you have definitely changed! You've grown up so much and the restlessness that abounded in your first month is dissipating - it hasn't abandoned us all together which was proven at the last mothers group when you were testing your lungs out & got taken off me!

You're basinette is almost too small but we are hoping for at least another month! You are growing at a crazy rate though but I still hope it's not wishful thinking. One of your favourite things to do is to lay in the basinette and stare up at your mobile. You smile & talk to it non-stop, I think you must have been a dinosaur in a past life because you sound like one sometimes. We all think you are very close to laughing but you often get it confused with crying which makes us laugh.

This month saw you get your first immunisations which you hated even though you had all those needles when you were stuck in the nursery. You didn't have any terrible side effects though thankfully, only a high temperature characterized by a very very hot head! You also got your first taste of flavored baby panadol.

Another first was your first swim on the 21st! No clothes other than your Bonds bucket hat which looked so cute. You didn't really do much but relax and we can't wait for more swims, don't worry farfar got lots of embarrassing photos for your 21st.

It was also the first time that you focused on Riley the dog, unfortunately he was only interested in our pizza. You've definitely become more curious this month and you love being moved around and staring at everything. It's nice to have you more focused on us and for all of us to be enjoying each other more.

You also had your first bath in the big bath with me and you loved it. You kept pushing yourself off me though and going crazy which was adorable. You love your bath and water and I'm looking forward to taking you to baby swim classes.

Christmas was celebrated twice this month as well and you uncovered some of your Danish heritage - even if you did sleep through dancing around the Christmas tree! Unfortunately we missed out on our Aussie tradition of going to the dog beach Christmas morning. We celebrated a bit too late at Danish Christmas and you weren't a happy sleeper. But we still managed to celebrate with your Aussie family and it was the first time you met quite a few of them.

You've started to sleep for longer periods at night but you don't have a set schedule. You've done a few 5 hour stints which is lovely, but we're still getting up early from anywhere between 1am to 4am. But it's a fantastic change to what you used to be doing so thank you! We are being naughty though and sleeping you on your belly but you love it and wouldn't have it any other way. It's funny to walk in and see you like a seal with your head poking up, you are so strong!

You love it when I sing to you and when Daddy talks to you in Danish. You also love me pressing your nose and making a cluck noise with my tongue and getting raspberries on your belly.

Don't stop growing and loving life my sweet big boy.

Love Mummy

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Logan's Story - Part I

My contractions (or rather twinges) started on my due date November 21st. I didn't get much sleep Monday night and then Tuesday they were still there. I sent Hubby off to work and told him I'd call him if he needed to come home or meet us at the Birth Centre but that I didn't think it was likely. Mum came over and took one look at me and said she wasn't going to go to her meeting and that she would stay with me.

I knew I wanted to stay home for as long as possible and avoid showing up only to be sent home again! Mum was reading her bible constantly (aka The Birth Partner, not sure of author) and wanted to start writing down the contractions and time. Insert trusty iPhone app here and Mum talking about Generation Y and technology and the whole 'in my day'... one of the funnier moments of the day. Steadily the contractions started to get harder to ride out, I highly recommend if you're labouring at home to invest in a fit ball. Luckily I'd bought one for Hubby last Christmas (because he's a bit of an exercise nut) and it was my saviour when I was in the middle of a contraction, I could just drape myself over it and push into it as well (my poor knees got roughed up though). Through pretty much every contraction I was either on my knees over the fit ball/on the couch or leaning pressed into a wall/door frame.

At around 1 I asked Mum to call Hubby and get him to come home (at least I think it was 1 it could have been later!). He had to catch the train back and Mum was a bit worried about leaving me alone to go and get him from the train station but there wasn't much she could do anyway. When they got back I was most likely in the midst of another contraction, they kept coming and getting closer together but we still didn't have anything following that whole 4/5 minute rule. I managed to have a shower and it did help a little bit with the pain but more made my vain side feel better being washed and 'pretty'. The contractions kept coming and were pretty painful by this stage but they weren't fitting the 4/5 minute rule. Thankfully Mum said she thought it would be a good idea to page the midwife. Hubby was kind enough to do that, it's silly but that was one of the things I was most nervous about doing, I guess because I didn't want to be told not to come in. The midwife was fantastic (& continued to be throughout the entire birth, I was very lucky) and Andreas put her on loudspeaker so that she could listen to me through some contractions. After 3 and telling me how to breathe better the midwife told me that if I wanted to come in I could. I thought about it for a few minutes and made up my mind that I wanted to go in (despite being scared they'd want to send me home again). It took a long time to get to the Birth Centre, not only because we didn't live close but more so because I had 3 contractions which decided to piggyback each other just before I left and I had to manage stairs as well!

The car ride wasn't too bad and I kept wondering what passing motorists must be thinking of me. I couldn't really focus on anything else other than pressing a pillow against my belly, especially each time we took a corner. When we finally arrived to meet our midwife I found out I was the only one there which was great, not that I spent any time wandering the halls! We went into our room and I didn't use any of the music I'd planned on using, instead I relied on their CD which was the kind you usually hear playing in beauty spas etc... Except the CD was broken so it didn't wind up being as soothing for me as I would have liked.

The midwife checked me & I was 3cm dilated - I wasn't happy but they weren't going to send me home. Mum told me after it was all over that apparently the midwife thought I could be 5cm but that she didn't want to say that because of something to do with time & how long you could remain at the Birth Centre. I remember being really disappointed by this because I'd been suffering through contractions the whole day and was really hoping that they'd been working towards something - that seemed to really sum up my whole labour experience really lots of hard work and being disappointed because it didn't seem like it was getting me (or specifically Logan) anywhere.

They tried to get me to eat something and I think I managed a few bits of vegemite toast. I quickly wound up naked and in the bathroom (goodbye vain girl from earlier that day!) and I wound up living in there - it's true, the toilet is a girl's best friend to labour on! Hubby and Mum helped me into the shower at one point and the constant hot water on my back helped lots (although the contractions were still very painful!). I remember pressing myself up into the corner of the shower and gripping on to the rail with all my might as I made it through some - it's definitely one of the weirder experiences, especially the places you find yourself being most comfortable during them!

We all tried to have a bit of a sleep (only Hubby succeeded & I don't think I'll let him live that down) and I think before this the topic of morphine was discussed. This was the one thing (along with an epidural) that I really really didn't want. Morphine always makes me feel disgusting and I knew it wasn't good for bubs. Now this is where I'm slightly confused as the morphine conversation could have happened before getting into the shower because I remember I was close to saying yes because I was so tired but instead I asked to use hot water. I also brought up the topic of using gas, I was surprised that no one had raised this before because it was definitely on my birth plan and I kept holding off asking for it because I thought they would want me to only have it close to transition (something I vaguely remember hearing about during our classes). I fell in love with the gas and I don't know why but I kept thinking about Star Trek and mixing it up with Star Wars and I'm not a fanatic about either of these movies! I wound up entertaining everyone but I think Hubby was still sleeping during this. I think during this time our student midwife showed up, Hubby remembers saying hello to her and falling asleep, I remember saying stupid things due to the gas.

Now I had been asking for the bath on & off but they didn't want to start it too early so I think when she next checked me & I was at 6cm I was allowed into the bath and that was bliss. I'd wanted a blow up pool but apparently they are harder to regulate temperature wise and I still wish I could have used it because the actual bath itself wasn't that comfortable. I writhed around like a whale crossed with a sea snake and I'm surprised I didn't break my Mum or Hubby's hands I gripped on to both of them so tightly.

I'll leave it here because Logan has just woken up and also because it starts to get serious at this point. To be continued...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Update on Motherhod

Finally I can say I'm coping and enjoying it all!

Logan is getting himself into a semi-routine at night and the past two nights he's only woken up around 2-230am and then again at 6. In fact this morning I out slept him and yes, I'm aware I just completely jinxed it and he'll go back to 2/3 hourly wake ups.

Yesterday I finally got to go to my Mother's Group, it was lovely to catch up with such a nice group of ladies (we even have twins!) and two of the babies also share Logan's birthday and they're little piggies too. I'm so glad he's growing big and strong.

Logan still has his crying fits and our witching hour always starts when we want to eat/prepare dinner but people have been providing us with leftovers thankfully. The microwave is definitely my new best friend, I just wish I'd frozen more meals before Logan was born but we couldn't fit much more in our freezer!

Times have definitely changed if that above little grizzle face can make me smile. I just hope he starts to enjoy shopping instead of having crying fits every time we go out. But for now we keep taking each hour as it comes and enjoy each other more and more.

Monday, January 2, 2012

One Month Letter (23.12.11)

Dear Logan,

This month flew by and crawled along, it was also full of so many ups & downs!

Everyone was amazed when you made your debut, we didn’t expect you to be so big 9.9 pounds with a huge head. You were a beautiful baby boy and just perfect (even if you did have to spend the first little bit of your outside life in the nursery), you definitely had your Mummy’s set of lungs on you and a very healthy appetite (which came courtesy of Daddy & our student midwife because you weren’t interested in the boob). 

You also didn’t have a name for a few days, after a very hard labour Dad said that I could have naming you privileges – I didn’t take advantage of this (he hadn’t had a lot of sleep). You were almost called Xander but we finally decided on Logan which had been a popular name choice whilst I was pregnant with you. However, we had definitely chosen Peter as your middle name to honour Pop & farfar. Your initials are also exactly the same as farfar (Grandad in danish - literally translated to Dad's dad) which we thought was very sweet.

Mummy and Daddy travelled between home, farfar & farmor’s house and the hospital to feed and simply stare at you until you were allowed to come home. It was very strange leaving the hospital without you but it was even stranger leaving with you, we felt as though we were stealing you! You loved the car ride home though, most of the time you love the car and easily fall asleep but there are times when all you do is cry which is why the radio gets turned up.

Your first walk with Loki was on your second day home down at the small sports/dog oval near the river. We took the sling but could not figure out how to work it so luckily you were reasonably light and we just held you all wrapped up to keep the sun away from you.

Your first dinner out was on the 13th of December for your Aunty Hannah's birthday. We were very impressed with your behaviour but it probably helped that Grandma wouldn't part with you and she is one of your favourite people by far.

You have slept for 5 hours some nights (and afternoons, including at the Danish grandparents) which has been great but usually it’s just 3 hour stints. You also like crying (A LOT) which is hard and sometimes nothing works, but most of the time a feed will quieten you down. Thankfully it can be in the form of boob or bottle which makes it a bit easier on Mummy. Baths are the other alternative to keeping you happy and you really enjoy splashing around in there (even though you have no control over your limbs).

You’ve kept getting longer and putting on more and more weight (once you put on double the average in 1 week – very impressive). We’re very lucky that since leaving the nursery you’ve been doing so well and we can’t wait to keep watching (and enjoying) you turning into your own little person.

Love Mummy

The baby blanket in the first photo was my from when I was a baby and although it has a few holes in it I love that Mum kept something from that time.

Favourite Snaps of 2011

2011 was definitely a year to remember in our household. So to celebrate the arrival of 2012 I've decided to post some of my happy snaps (yes I still need to write Logan's 1 month letter and birth story...) which are all out of order. I've also decided to start a 'photo a day' blog dedicated to Logan. It'll be nice to look back on and also will be a great way to share him with our family all over the world. The link in case you're interested is: Photo a Day (unfortunately I can't find my camera cable & I don't want it becoming an iPhone photo thing because they aren't very good quality but bear with me!).

On my due date
Daddy cuddles
Grandma cuddles
Banoffee Pie for Hubby
Being babysat by the Grandies
From our photoshoot

One Month Old
My niece & nephew plus our dog

"Santa" squashing Loki
Baked Baby Shower goodness
Hands always in the air!
7 years!
Sculptures by the Sea
What a fantastic year 2011 was and I'm looking forward to what 2012 will bring.