We've had a great long weekend, I never realised how important public holidays and weekends were until we had Logan. 96 hours with Hubby...YES PLEASE! The help has been fantastic and I even got to sleep in twice (I still had to feed Logan but it was nice not to have to get up with him), I've been very spoilt and it's been lovely.

On Good Friday we made our way to Cottesloe beach. We were going to have breakfast at Beaches but when Hubby went in to order it was going to cost over $45 (wowser, then again it was a public holiday and Cottesloe!) and they only took cash. So thankfully we left and stumbled across a hole in the wall take away coffee place and I grabbed a huge muffin as well. Then we just went and sat down on the grass overlooking the beach and it was great. So relaxing and nice to be out of the house and just our little family. With all this moving around its so rare for us just to have the three of us and I've really appreciated that this weekend.
Saturday we did some final prep shopping for my Mum's birthday (Easter Sunday). We bought the ingredients for her
Bill Granger chocolate and raspberry cake (has anyone else's food tastes changed, I used to hate chocolate cake and now I'll gobble it down if it's not the fluffy kind) and got her birthday cards. Then we grabbed some coffees and headed back to the inlaws.
When we got back, my MiL and I made Donna Hay coffee & salted caramel macaroons. They took for ages and were way too big so I wound up under cooking them (whoops) but they tasted great. Next time I'd add more coffee though because the taste wasn't enough for me. After baking those it was time to entertain Logan again, we've started putting him in his cousin's 'car' and he loves it.
After that I made Mum's yummy chocolate cake and then we had dinner, after feeding Logan his first taste of Peas and Zucchini (he loved it).
The next day we went out to breakfast at the Naked Fig. It was nice to be out there early because noone else was around and it was great not to be waiting so long (which we usually have to if we go for a later breakfast or lunch). Logan was perfect and slept through breakfast so I got to eat without interruption...hurrah!
After that we packed up and headed off to my Mum's where presents were handed out and lots of food was consumed. The cake worked out great and whilst Logan was fussy - I didn't get to finish this meal uninterrupted - it was nice to have some family time.
I hope everyone had a great Easter, whether it was just relaxing with family or getting away somewhere.