Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Still working on that whole staying healthy thing (although chocolate is still my downfall). Today and yesterday went for hour long walks on the dog beach. I love it and it's so much better than the treadmill. I was thinking about why this was the case and I think there's 3 reasons - (1) I can see my goal (2) Walking with the Hubby and my Mum (3) It's the dog beach and there's always something to see/be distracted by.

Hopefully I can keep this up because it's enjoyable. I've lost 2kg so far (4.4 pounds) that's a little less than what my niece weighs! I wish I could always remember how good exercise makes me feel it'd make it that much easier to get motivated. It's also easier having people to share it with as well because in some way they do force me to get off my butt and get moving.

In other happy news - we've been trying to get pregnant! I know naughty us and I've always been changing my mind about timing but what the heck. It's never the right time to have a baby. So far 2 negative tests but I'm late so we'll just have to wait and see. If we are pregnant I'll let Hubby have his 'super sperm complex'! If it doesn't happen we now have to hold off because if I get pregnant this month the baby would be due during Hubby's final exams. So that's a sneaky little update. I'm so annoyed with this whole wait and see thing though, either hurry up and be 'that time of the month' or I want to see a + sign on a test! It would be pretty crazy if I was though seeing as it was our first time trying with me straight off the pill. I just can't not get my hopes up damn it!


  1. Good luck! I've got my fingers crossed for you! The waiting part is so very hard. :)

  2. Fingers and toes crossed for you!!!
    Playing the waiting game is the worst. Thats the bit I hated the most.
