Remember my New Years resolutions? And how I said I'd try to recap every fortnight to a month (I'm just scraping in YAY!)...well here goes.
- Feel pretty every day and dress up a bit more.
- Get healthy! Use the cross-trainer we have in the garage!
- Catching up with my friends more
- Date nights with Hubby (at least once a month)
1. Evidence, I finally got around to giving my gorgeous long nails a polish:
2. I'm trying to cut out 'unneeded' sugar. And I've been FebFasting so no alcohol. I've also joined a lose weight club at work (sadly put .5kg on last weigh in BOO). I've also been pushing myself to walk the dog with Hubby every day and so far I've only missed that once! I'm really happy now that I don't need dessert I have a glass of full-cream milk as a present to myself now instead.
3. This I have somewhat failed in although I rectified that this weekend! One of my best friend's pointed out we hadn't seen each other for a month EEEKKK definitely not letting that happen again!
Isn't it amazing how the longer you go without sugar, the less you crave it? If you can just get past that initial week or so, it gets much easier!