Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bonding with Bubs - Week 21

Size: 26.7cm, my little banana

What's Pecan Up To: other than kicking me lots...swallowing amniotic fluid and just getting his/her groove on

Symptoms: Dizziness - going to check out with the Doc if this is low iron levels or just because your BP is supposedly low at this point in pregnancy. If it's iron bring on the supplements!

Cravings: Coffee like a crazy person, fruit...

Keep that away from me: Still not a fan of chicken I will eat it but it doesn't really appeal. Meat I'm still half and half about.

Weight: I'll find this out on Monday! I don't feel any bigger other than my boobs & bump.
Feelings: Unsettled over the whole placenta thing but whatever will happen will happen! Sad because I wanted to be in control of my birth (at least at this point, when it gets down to 'the baby's coming' then I forfeit that).

Random: Finally decided that I would have to sacrifice one of my best friends and have the Baby Shower in October. I think if I did it before that and my MiL missed out I'd be dead. But still really bummed, it's like the whole bridesmaid situation at my wedding all over again :( I think I might to some sort of Baby Naming ceremony after Christmas/New Year and ask her and the other uni girls to be the equivalent of god parents to our little Pecan.

PS: Thank you girls so so much for all your kind words, first with my damn placenta and then with our beautiful dog. It's been a tough week hopefully Week 21 is kinder to me.

1 comment:

  1. Awww sounds like you had a very tough week. Hope the weekend was able to be a little relaxing for you xo
    p.s it just shows ppl care when they want to be there :)
